Bash shebang:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
Another common bash shebang (force bash):
Common Ifs
Check File Exist:
if [ -e <file_name> ]; then
Check Variable Valid:
if [ -v Variable ]; then
Check variable not zero length:
if [ -z "$variable" ]; then
Syntax Checking
Debugging (Print everything):
bash -x <your script>
set -x (activate debug) / set +x (deactivate debug)
Syntax Checking:
bash -n <filename>
Useful Tools
Compare two files, show only lines unique to file 1:
comm -2 -3 <file 1> <file 2>
Show only first few bytes of a file:
head -c6 #only first 6 bytes
Do some simple math:
expr 9 / 3
Easy awk (here selecting first item with delimiter ' '):
cut -d " " -f 1
Capitalizing characters (translate characters)
tr "a-z" "A-Z"
Use xargs to remove unnecessary heading and trailing space:
echo " google " | xargs # result = "google"
Parameters Expansion:
Check for details.
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